Consultation on EU satellite navigation programmes

CIVITAS Initiative

DG Enterprise consultation on applications of EU satellite navigation programmes (Galileo and EGNOS) What would be the impact on your activities if you no longer had access to satellite navigation systems?

Citizens, enterprises and organisations are invited to contribute to this public consultation hosted by DG Enterprise which aims to obtain input and a broader range of views in order to maximise and ensure the market uptake of the European Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) downstream applications. CIVITAS cities that directly or indirectly use or plan to use GNSS services in the provision of services or production of goods or has a particular interest in GNSS services is strongly encouraged to participate. Eurisy is a European non-profit association of over 30 governmental space offices and space agencies, international organisations, research institutions, and private businesses involved or interested in space-related activities. The association is preparing a response to the consultation on measures to accompany the deployment of Galileo. Eurisy aims to interview end-users from sectors other than space on a specific part of this consultation, which concerns them directly. Their main question will be: “what would be the impact on their activities of no longer having access to satellite navigation systems (GPS)?” Cities involved in the CIVITAS Initiative may be interested in responding and if so, Eurisy would like to acknowledge those persons/institutions. If you are interested in commenting on the question raised by Eurisy, please get in touch with Laure Lepastier: laure.lepastier[at] as soon as possible or fill directly the short questionnaire here. Eurisy intend to consult with stakeholders by July 3rd at the latest and its draft will be circulated among respondents before publication. Alternately, you can also react to the consultation document directly by sending your contribution to the e-mail address corresponding to your type of organisation by July 14, 2013. For more details please proceed to this page. Based on the information gathered through the public consultation, the Commission will identify more precisely the issues to address and will draw conclusions as to the set of actions to take to maximize the market uptake of GNSS applications.

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